Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Employee Engagement.


Figure 1:( waldenu.edu).


Employee’s engagement is getting up in the morning thinking Grate I am going to to work. I know what I am going to do today, and I have got some grate ideas about how to do well. i am looking forward to seeing my team and helping them work well with the passion and with the enthusiastic.


Engaged organization have strong and authentic values, with clear evidence of trust and fairness based on mutual respect, where two -way promises and commitments -between employers and employees-are understand and fulfilled.

“Employee engagement is a human resources (HR) concept that describes the level of enthusiasm and dedication a worker feels toward their job. Engaged employees care about their work and about the performance of the company and feel that their efforts make a difference. An engaged employee is in it for more than a paycheck and may consider their well-being linked to their performance, and thus instrumental to their company's success (Smith, 2020)

Figure 2;emp engagement (slidemodel, n.d.)

Employee engagement is a best practice in an organization be flexible with your employees inspire your employees to join your company’s mission. focus on development of everyone, not just leader. Offer benefits that align with your company values. Create culture of openness and honestly. Hire employees that are most likely to engaged. Understand that employee engagement and happiness are two different things.

Richman (2006) mentioned that recent have made it clear that high employee engagement translates into increases discretionary effort, higher productivity, and lower turnover at the employee level.as well as increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, profitability and shareholder value for the organization. Sake& Gruman (2014) mentioned that there is lack of consensus on the meaning of employee engagement. furthermore, it is difficult to make casual conclusions about the antecedent and consequences of employee engagement due to a member of research limitation Thus there remain many unanswered question and much more to do if we are to develop a science and theory of employee engagement( idagoda & H D N A p opatha, 2015).

“Armstrong (2009) stated that job satisfaction refers to the attitudes and feelings people have about their work.”

Figure 3:( luxdeftec)


Engagement is the extent to which an employee is committed to their job and extent to which their commitment drivers of the organization’s performance. engagement does not a materialize organization must hire employee who fit to the job develop leaders and provide supports through the strong system strategies, furthermore organization must invest in understanding, measuring, and developing solution to engagement challengers.

The company’s success and failure are dependent on how much their employees engaged with the organizations.



idagoda, A. & H D N A p opatha, H., 2015. researchgate.net. [Online]
Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286195083_Employee_engagement_conceptual_clarification_from_existing_confusion_and_towards_an_instrument_of_measuring_it
[Accessed 5 december 2021].

slidemodel, n.d. /slidemodel.com/templates. [Online]
Available at: https://slidemodel.com/templates/maslows-hierarchy-employee-engagement-powerpoint-template/
[Accessed 5 december 2021].

Smith, T., 2020. investopedia.com. [Online]
Available at: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/employee-engagement.asp
[Accessed 7 december 2021].



  1. Employee engagement is important for organizations, because effective solutions help to improve work culture, minimize employee turnover, improve productivity, improve work and customer relationships. Employee engagement is largely determined by factors such as the manager-employee relationship (Blizzard, 2003). Thank you for sharing a valuable article with us.

  2. Employee engagement is a human resources (HR) concept that characterizes a worker's level of passion and dedication to their job. Employees that are engaged care about their work and the company's performance, and they believe that their efforts matter. An engaged employee is motivated by more than a paycheck and may view their well-being to be tied to their performance and hence important to their company's success (SMITH, 2020).

  3. “Engaged employees have a positive attitude and have work-related state of mind characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption and these make the employees psychologically present at work, which minimizes their possibility to do work related mistakes and errors” (Kerstin, et al., 2013).

  4. Without proper engaging with their employee any organization can't continue and survive in long term plan. engagement is mainly improve and build positive manner of the worker and increase the feeling of own admire about his self without extra effort. good article with great explaining.

  5. It is the duty of every manager/leader to engage your employees in a meaningful, efficient manner identifying their skills, knowledge, interests and commitment

  6. Engagement is not about motivating employees to work hard, but about providing the conditions for them to work more efficiently. You have described its importance in a beautiful and concise introduction


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