Monday, December 6, 2021

Human Value Stream Mapping




Figure 1stream: (snapagileframework, 2020)

Value stream mapping (vsm) is an excellent instrument for the identifying the waste in any type of process Typically Vsm used in the LEAN manufacturing process from supplier to customer (SIPOC) for eliminating waste and add the value on process An organization. rely on their employees and their established system. To achieve the company strategic, plan To execute the strategic plan with the lean concept human resource management, need to Recruit and train flexible, motivated employees.

Purpose of human value stream.

1.   Quality people producing high quality, low cost, and on time products.

2.   How can build truest and mutual respect?

3.   Company needs to recruit the employees who is fit to the company.

Figure 2 ;Respect to the people Toyota way).

Many companies lean focus is only on the elements here we can see to achieve companies’ strategies and growth and human value is more important respect to the people is a major pillar of the lean house and TPS methodology.

Literature view.

Value stream mapping (VSM) is an excellent instrument for identifying wastes in any type of process. Typically, VSM is used for process improvement in direct areas, but it can also be useful for improving indirect areas. When considering its use in indirect areas; however, firms have to rely on their employees & their established systems. This paper explores the concept of VSM as applied to HR process of developing a skill matrix in an auto component manufacturing firm. In first phase of the study existing skill matrix process followed was mapped and ‘process activity mapping tool’ was applied to identify wastes in the process. Following this a future state map for skill matrix process was prepared. In second phase of study foremen were interviewed to study their opinion about process. Exploratory factor analysis suggested that process, time & imposed task are the underlying causes of delay in foreman’s opinion. The study contributes to the previous knowledge on process improvement, by suggesting its application in indirect areas. It also aims at broadening the area of application of process improvement tools by considering the ‘Human dimension’ in the process” (Katib, 2015).

Human Resources management.

  Explore the concept of VSM as applied to HR process are containing four stages.               

1.    Attract

2.    Develop

3.    Engage

4.    Inspire

Figure 3 vsm 

There is also a broad consensus that the success of a Lean transformation not only depends on the application of tools and techniques (hard side), but that for the sustainable benefits of these to be achieved, it is necessary to pay attention to the human factor and the establishment of a culture that sustains the Lean transformation (soft side). In other words, as LP is an integrated socio-technical system, success comes from these two facets being applied simultaneously and systematically” (Dibia and Onuh, 2010Liker and Hoseus, 2010Badurdeen et al., 2011) (Jurado, et al., 2013)

Attract. (competent & Trainable people)

v Recruiting right person/in the right form/ in the right amount at the right time

v There is a defensible process for the advertising/reviewing and evaluating application that is clearly based on job duties /responsibilities and competencies

v The application has to demonstrate job competencies through a written test/behavioral work task simulation fallowed by probation period.

v There is a system to collect data and monitor effectiveness of the overall system and drive improvement activities

Develop. (Develop competence and capable people)

v There is clearly articulated orientation process.

v The role of all members are established and communicated/ each role include problem solving.

v Job instruction method is used as the standard instruction method to train all employees throughout the organization.

v HR coordinates training but most of the training is done by Tls/Gls and managers who have been certified with JIT.

Engaging. (competent & willing people in continuous improvement)

v Standards /standard work are established all jobs

v Visual methods are used to highlight deviation from the standard.

v Problem identification methods are in place and used

v Everyone is performing problem solving as a part of their job.

v A deep level the Kaizen process and learning is emphasized more than results.

Inspiring. (People to be committed to the company and community)

v The highest level of development is committed to company it’s value and taking what us learned to family and the community.

v Work life balance.

v Contribution to charitable organization.

v Environmental improvements are included as part of KPIs and practices throughout the organization.


Value stream mapping is far more than achieving and using the lean tools it’s more than common desired outcome that come from the mind. Respect to the people is core tenet of lean management and goes beyond how one is treated in meeting in and hallways in fact the greatest measure of how much respect for the people is present in an organization. Helps build an appetite for surfacing the truth solving problems resolving complacency and designing better tomorrow. organization realize its potential and done well it depends on understanding heals relationship and bring a human side to business.



Jurado, p. j. M., Fuentes, j. M. & Gómezb, p. j., 2013. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 4 December 2021].

Katib, m., 2015. 17. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 4 december 2021].

snapagileframework, 2020. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 6 dec 2021].








  1. Every organization must follow a set of procedures in order to produce the product or service that its customers desire. Value stream mapping allows us to better understand what these phases are, where the value is added, where it is not, and, most importantly, how to enhance the whole process. Value stream mapping (VSM) provides us with a structured depiction of the important phases and accompanying data required to comprehend and intelligently implement modifications that optimize the entire process, not just one piece at the expense of another (PLUTORA, 2021)

  2. Value stream mapping is an important element of lean operations, the goals of which are to maximize customer satisfaction and minimize waste. Operating in this way allows companies to do more with less, offering better value and higher quality to their customers.

  3. Thanks for the valuable comments Lean methodology teach specifically jit and judoka eliminating waste and value addition for the product or service .

  4. value stream map is to see the complete process flow from beginning to end and come up with a strategy to maximize efforts in bringing the organization to its targeted results. A value stream map, by showing the present situation, enables you to identify the current gaps.

  5. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a paper and pencil tool that helps you see and understand the flow of material and information as a product or service makes its way through the value stream from “door to door"

  6. Value stream mapping is more effective technique to analyze and improve the steps required to deliver product, and with your experience you have explained properly to get a better understanding for readers.

  7. Good broad subject Fahim....Every employee must be valued as per their efficiency and as per their performance must give more opportunities to them to climb up high in the ladder


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