Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Grievance mechanism at workplace.

 Grievance mechanism.

        Figure 1:mechanism.(towards data science)


A grievance is any discontent or feeling of unfairness and in the workplace, it should pertain to work. The objective of this paper is to determine the effective handling of the grievances faced by an employee. The study identifies the common factor for arising grievances is wages salaries. Working environmental, carrier path, interdepartmental relationship working time lack of communication, like 5M (man, machine, method. moral, mother nature). The study also looks for the root cause of grievance faced by an employee and grievance handling method and management policies and procedures of resolving the grievance effectively to keep the good relationships with employee and employer for both parties successful and running the organization smoothly and archives the vision and missions.


A grievance can be defined as any sort of dissatisfaction of the employees or feeling of injustice in connection with one’s employment situation that is brought to the attention of the management.

A grievance is a formal dispute between an employee and management on the condition of the employment grievances are complaints that have been formally registered by the grievance procedures.  


Figure 2: grievance. (Seradanis, 2021)

Different Type of Grievance in the workplace

  • 1    Individual and collective Grievance,
  • 2)    Interpersonal issues; Bullying, Harassment, and discrimination
  • 3)    Pay and benefits.
  • 4)    Grievance related to the gender pay gap.
  • 5)    Grievance about working time and working conditions.

Why grievance is important for an organization.

As an employer, we need to understand why it’s important to have a structured grievance process and how this will not only benefit the company but also the employee too.

Having a reasonable grievance procedure in the workplace can encourage a thorough, speedy, and satisfactory resolution to any issues highlighted by an employee in the first instance, helping to avoid lengthy and costly potential tribunals. It should also help to protect the employee from receiving further punishment on appeal, promoting a healthy grievance culture so other individuals can understand the process, should they consider pursuing formal proceedings in future.” (Demos, 2019)     


Figure 3; gr process ( (Sketchbibble, 2021)

Literature view

Grievance theoretically in the knowledge economy. Formal grievance handling mechanism work as a forum for communication of information. Many researchers had established a strong relationship between employee grievance and employee performance along with employee turnover intentions, job satisfaction, etc. If the grievance is not mange properly it may impact on productivity and efficiency of the organization directly or indirectly. Therefore, it needs to be solved or prevent properly by the organization to survive and to do excel in the market”( (RamlAL, 2016)

Advantage of Grievance.

Grievance mechanisms can help provide a remedy where a company has caused or contributed to a negative impact, they can also be an important early warning system for companies and provide critical information for Broder's human rights due diligence process.

1)    Transparent: keeping business ethical practice

2)    Legitimate: enabling Trust from the stakeholders

3)    Equitable: seeking to ensure that agreements and contracts

4)    Dialog and engagements: within the organization, can dialog and end up the disputes amongst the workforce and top-level managements in a smooth way.


Grievance mechanism is a very important role in an organization it’s correlated to company vision and mission if a company need to grow their employs must be Engage with their role.in nature, business competition is growing and firms are operating globally it leads to war on talent in the labor market. Therefore if your organization need to shine and grow in the market you need Trust and supportive employee to build up your business. If your organization practices the Grievance properly organization can survive and to do excel in the market.

About the Grievance mechanism.




Demos, 2019. Demos HR solution. [Online]
Available at: https://demoshr.co.uk/blog/blog/item/the-importance-of-a-structured-grievance-process
[Accessed 21 November 2021].

RamlAL, P., 2016. www.researchgate.net. [Online]
Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316538641_Understanding_the_role_of_employee_grievance_handling_procedure_related_labour_legislations
[Accessed 30 November 2021].

Seradanis, 2021. seradanismanlik.com. [Online]
Available at: https://seradanismanlik.com/sosyal-2/
[Accessed 28 NOVEMBER 2021].

Sketchbibble, 2021. sketchbubble.com. [Online]
Available at: https://www.sketchbubble.com/
[Accessed nonember 2021].



Wednesday, November 17, 2021





Communication is a broad Topic here I need to explain if we miss the Communication between two people or two parties it creates a lot of Misunderstands. Communication is the beat that works through the very heart of an organization. Communication that is ineffective or even absent within an organization can cause a communication gap at the workplace. It’s led to serious issues down the line and brought down the company into a lot of trouble.

Figure 1:communication (kazutaka, 2019)


A communication gap means the occurrence of misunderstanding between two people. It generally occurs when the gap between lips and ears is more than required. Keeping that to the minimum will help you create a happy relationship.

In an organization, we can say employee and employer are the two parties to communicate in all the issues.

Here we are going to see what are the Type of communication and when its absence How will affect in our personal life, community, and organizations.

 Type of communication?

Figure 2: type of communication,( (Alvernia, 2018).

1)      Verbal communication.

2)      Non-verbal /interpersonal communication.

3)      Written communication.

4)      Visual communication.


Figure 3:type of communication (Toastmaster, 2021).

Why communication important to the business.

 Good Communication is Vital for the Organization to Operate efficiently.

2)      It’s providing Information and correct Direction.

3)      Increase motivation among the employees.

4)      Increase productivity.

5)      Satisfying all co-workers and transferring for all parties.

6)      Building trust and mutual understanding between two parties.

7)      Listening and providing feedback

8)      Helps to implement strategies.

9)      Helps to develop global competence.

10   Help in crisis management.



Literature view.

“Communication gap at the workplace is an issue and one that can have a negative impact on all areas of the business, from productivity and efficiency to staff morale and retention. The good news is that once you’ve identified the factors that are causing it, you are well on your way to solving it. If you find it hard to understand what the reasons are for the communication gap, you can always consult a professional in the field who will also help you come up with a strategy to solve the issue. We hope we’ve been helpful with this guide.” (Stefan, 2021).

“Inter employee communication is vital for productivity and also the morale of a business. Communication gaps between employees may eventually sabotage the growth of a company, so such a company issue should be addressed very carefully and seriously. The causes of employees not being able to communicate qualitatively or even at all might be” (Stefan, 2021).

“Employees who feel personally connected to the company’s mission tend to care more about other details, like whether the brand has a reputation as a great place to work, which in the long term can affect your ability to attract and retain the best talent (Cooks-Cambell, 2021).

Let’s take a look at some ways that building your communication skills cascades down through your organization — and directly impacts its bottom line. (Cooks-Cambell, 2021).

“When employees are directly involved in work products and initiatives, it helps to foster a sense of ownership in the company’s future (Cooks-Cambell, 2021).

When the communication is absent what are reflections.

1)      Low engagement.

2)      Low truest between employee and employer.

3)      Reduced productivity and efficiency.

4)      Frustration /reduced job satisfaction increasing turnover.

5)      Reduced customer loyalty/reduce goodwill of the organization.

6)      Slow Growth/unable to achieve the Goals.


Assuming good intention and sharing culture are both foundations for effective day-to-day communication at work They’re hard to build and maintain without opportunities for casual interaction.

You don’t need to spend a lot of time talking to people show the empathies give good care listen to their problems communicate better.


 How much important the communication and how we need to communicate in a proper way

If we are failing to communicate properly it’s a crate of unexpected reflections.

Every year communication tops the list of skills in demand by employers.

Communication is what makes our professional and personal relationship go smooth it’s how we care, catalyze change, and get things done.

How communication is transforming in a shorter time with different people.



Figure 4: communication(Azquotes).



Alvernia, 2018. Alvernia. [Online]
Available at: https://online.alvernia.edu/
[Accessed 16 November 2021].

Cooks-Cambell, A., 2021. betterup.com. [Online]
Available at: https://www.betterup.com/
[Accessed 16 november 2021].

kazutaka, 2019. note.com. [Online]
[Accessed november 2021].

Stefan, 2021. kitchen. co. [Online]
Available at: https://kitchen.co
[Accessed 16 November 2021].

Toastmaster, 2021. Toastmaster. [Online]
Available at: https://d73.toastmasters.org.au/
[Accessed 16 November 2021].

Saturday, November 13, 2021


                              EFFECT AND CAUSES OF ABSENTEEISM.



Absenteeism is a serious workplace problem and it’s an expense for the employee and employer. It’s unpredictable in nature. The term absenteeism refers to the failure to attend to work. It’s one of the major problems faced by companies across the globe today. Unscheduled absenteeism badly hurts the progress of the organization resulting in loss of product quality and quantity. It’s created an unimaginable loss to the company and its growth.


Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligations without informing their superior or Organization Absenteeism is when an employee consistently does not appear for work at their scheduled time. This is true for both full-time and shift-working employees .and it is generally unplanned and without good reason.

Type of Absenteeism.

Absences that will require some type of employer intervention are split into two different categories   According to the “Human resources professionals suggest that there is two kinds of absenteeism Culpable absenteeism is absenteeism when the employee doesn’t provide a legitimate reason for missing work. On-culpable absenteeism is absenteeism when the employee does give a legitimate reason for missing work (Douglas. Hawks, 2015).


Figure 1:type of absenteeism (2021)

Cause of absenteeism.

People miss working for a variety of reasons many of which are legitimate others generally are not some of the common causes not limited.

1.       sickness

2.       Burnout, stress, and low morale

3.       Depression and bad mental health

4.       Childcare and eldercare

5.       Jobhunting

6.       Disengagement

7.       Bullying and harassment in the workplace

8.       Injuries

9.       shift works


Figure 2; effects of absenteeism

How to Reduce absenteeism.

Based on the research there are several common reasons for absenteeism. Interventions or HR policies that counteract these effects can be good at reducing absenteeism in the workplace. You won’t able to completely solve the problem but you can reduce it.

      1.   Washing hands significantly reduces absence during the influenza season.

Currently Covid-19 pandemic it is that we should wash our hands for at least 20 seconds. Although results are mixed during the normal season, during the flu season, washing hands significantly reduces the rate of infections. Putting up signs for people to wash their hands when they come into the office, after going to the restroom, or before having lunch are easy but effective interventions.

   2.     Exercise frequency. 

          Maintaining healthy lifestyles as well as life and work balance Some study showed that even                  exercising just once a week already lead to a decrease of 30% in absence.

3.       Create a clear attendance policy.

Workers should know exactly about the policy company must follow up and monitor the absences by the report and as well as a KPI  in the company.

4.        Reward for the good attendance.

Implementing a rewards scheme for the employee with good attendance monthly basis.

5.       Address unsanctioned absences immediately.

The company should deal with absenteeism according to the policy and inquiry the absenteeism and understand the employee problems and give a good solution to overcome their issues

6.       Improve employee well-being.

Arranging a good working environment to keep their physical and mental health at a good level implementing wellness programs.

  7. Encourage employee engagement.

       A good way to make your staff more committed and actually want to come to work is to increase their engagement. Employee training programs birthday celebrations and more in organizational activities. And create a good culture in the company.

8.       Foster teamwork culture.

Following up on the previous idea, the employee is more engaged when they feel that they are part of the team a sense of belonging increases a worker’s motivation to go to work and their loyalist towards the company and create the feeling of the ownership mentality than before taking un plan day off they will things more difficult for their team.

9.  provide feedback.

       Let your employees know that they can improve, but also, they do right indeed providing guidance and encouragement make the employee feel motivated it will push them to give their best and want to improve their performance, making them less to miss work.


Absenteeism is a global problem in every organization we have seen it has cost a lot of money and has a severe impact on the companies’ growths and goals. Most of the companies this index is highlighting to the HR Department handle and short it out. management needs to understand the consequences of absenteeism. And whole management team to act to reduce absenteeism by reacting in time.


Douglas.Hawks, 2015. study.com. [Online]
Available at: https.//study.com
[Accessed 11 november 2021].

symondsresearch, 2021. symondsreseach.com. [Online]
Available at: https.//symondsresearch.com
[Accessed 11 november 2021].

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Mental-health in your Organization.

                                                     MENTAL HEALTH AND HRM

What’s the meaning of mental health? we have heard about health and how  important for human life, it’s the real value in our life healthy lifestyles can prevent chronic diseases and long-term illness,

Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health is important for your self-esteem and self-image it will give you more confidence in your daily life.

A healthy life is a treasure it’s not coming to you just need to hunt it,

Mental health is "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community", according to the World Health Organization” (mental health, 2021)  

Mental health is important to maintain health as well as to support to the community and express his own abilities in society.

According to, mental health,( 2021), Good mental health is characterised by a person's ability to fulfil a number of key functions and activities, including: the ability to learn. the ability to feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions. the ability to form and maintain good relationships with others.

Mental health is important for the personality it’s will help you to keep you stable as well as control your emotions, you can share your abilities to the society and around you, either if you’re not in a good mentality it will destroy your health as well with causing depression and negativizing your mindset mostly good mental health is important for our own as well as to the society,

The connection between physical health and mental health prompted the American Heart Association’s CEO Roundtable to release a report called “ Mental Health: A Workforce Crisis.” It urges employers to provide comprehensive programs for the prevention and treatment of mental illness. “The cost of doing nothing is higher than investing in evidence-based prevention and treatment,” the report found. (Rawe, 2021)

If you can not keep good mental health in your organization, you cannot achieve your goals it’s very important to build up the team spirit, employees are assets of an organization,

When it’s failed it’s can bring disasters and chaos to the own family and around us, we know last two years people are suffering from the covid pandemic most of the peoples are losing their mental health and it’s ruing their life’s, family member’s and the society

In a conclusion, mental health is important to human life more than ever before. 

We build our mental health by thinking positively, sharing our problems with our colleagues, taking a good sleep-eating good food, and exercising add your vales to life,

Mental health is an invisible factor for a lot of problems I just try to say it’s not monitored in our organization we pinpoint some issues and if we find the root causes definitely it will answer to us.


             Figure 1:mental health (2020)

In an organization how HRM can help to build the mental health

1.         Can do the awareness about the mental health importance,

2.           Stress managements discuss the workload and find out their difficulties and assist to overcome                their daily problems

3.        Identifying every worker job and about their families

4.         Doing a servery and finding out their satisfaction in the organization,

5.           Establishing an employee assistance program (EAP)

6.          Providing health saving accounts (HAS ) to help offset out-of-pocket costs.

7.        Build as much as flexible as possible into all employee schedules

8.           Consider offering meditation rooms mindfulness of training classes at work

9.          Encourage employees to use their vacation times

10.      Create opportunities for the employees to connect with each other’s social activities and electronic           message boards.


            Figure 2- road map: mental health,( 2021)


mental health, 2021. [Online] 
Available at: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk › your-mental-health
[Accessed 25 10 2021].

mental health, 2021. [Online]
Available at: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk › your-mental-health
[Accessed 25 10 2021].

mental health, 2021. [Online]
Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health

mental health, 2021. [Online]
Available at: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk › your-mental-health
[Accessed 25 10 2021].

rawe, j., 2021. www.understood.org. [Online]
Available at: www.understood.org
[Accessed 02 11 2021].



Power In Organization.

    Figure 1:power (  (scienceabc.com, 2021 ) Abstract Organizational power means to influence others' behavior for getting result...