Grievance mechanism.
Figure 1:mechanism.(towards data science)
A grievance is any discontent or feeling of unfairness and in the workplace, it should pertain to work. The objective of this paper is to determine the effective handling of the grievances faced by an employee. The study identifies the common factor for arising grievances is wages salaries. Working environmental, carrier path, interdepartmental relationship working time lack of communication, like 5M (man, machine, method. moral, mother nature). The study also looks for the root cause of grievance faced by an employee and grievance handling method and management policies and procedures of resolving the grievance effectively to keep the good relationships with employee and employer for both parties successful and running the organization smoothly and archives the vision and missions.
A grievance can be defined as any sort of dissatisfaction of the employees or feeling of injustice in connection with one’s employment situation that is brought to the attention of the management.
A grievance is a formal dispute between an employee and management on the condition of the employment grievances are complaints that have been formally registered by the grievance procedures.
Figure 2: grievance.
Different Type of Grievance in the workplace
- 1 Individual
and collective Grievance,
- 2) Interpersonal
issues; Bullying, Harassment, and discrimination
- 3) Pay
and benefits.
- 4) Grievance
related to the gender pay gap.
- 5) Grievance
about working time and working conditions.
Why grievance is
important for an organization.
As an employer, we need
to understand why it’s important to have a structured grievance process and how
this will not only benefit the company but also the employee too.
“Having a reasonable grievance procedure in the
workplace can encourage a thorough, speedy, and satisfactory resolution to any
issues highlighted by an employee in the first instance, helping to avoid lengthy
and costly potential tribunals. It should also help to protect the employee
from receiving further punishment on appeal, promoting a healthy grievance
culture so other individuals can understand the process, should they consider
pursuing formal proceedings in future.”
Figure 3; gr process
Literature view
theoretically in the knowledge economy. Formal grievance handling mechanism work as
a forum for communication of information. Many researchers had established a strong relationship between employee grievance and employee performance along
with employee turnover intentions, job satisfaction, etc. If the grievance is not
mange properly it may impact on productivity and efficiency of the organization
directly or indirectly. Therefore, it needs to be solved or prevent properly by
the organization to survive and to do excel in the market”(
Advantage of Grievance.
Grievance mechanisms can help provide a remedy where a
company has caused or contributed to a negative impact, they can also be an important early warning system for companies and provide critical information
for Broder's human rights due diligence process.
1) Transparent:
keeping business ethical practice
2) Legitimate:
enabling Trust from the stakeholders
3) Equitable:
seeking to ensure that agreements and contracts
4) Dialog
and engagements: within the organization, can dialog and end up the disputes
amongst the workforce and top-level managements in a smooth way.
Grievance mechanism is a very important role in an organization it’s correlated to company vision and mission if a company need to grow their employs must be Engage with their nature, business competition is growing and firms are operating globally it leads to war on talent in the labor market. Therefore if your organization need to shine and grow in the market you need Trust and supportive employee to build up your business. If your organization practices the Grievance properly organization can survive and to do excel in the market.
the Grievance mechanism.
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