Wednesday, November 17, 2021





Communication is a broad Topic here I need to explain if we miss the Communication between two people or two parties it creates a lot of Misunderstands. Communication is the beat that works through the very heart of an organization. Communication that is ineffective or even absent within an organization can cause a communication gap at the workplace. It’s led to serious issues down the line and brought down the company into a lot of trouble.

Figure 1:communication (kazutaka, 2019)


A communication gap means the occurrence of misunderstanding between two people. It generally occurs when the gap between lips and ears is more than required. Keeping that to the minimum will help you create a happy relationship.

In an organization, we can say employee and employer are the two parties to communicate in all the issues.

Here we are going to see what are the Type of communication and when its absence How will affect in our personal life, community, and organizations.

 Type of communication?

Figure 2: type of communication,( (Alvernia, 2018).

1)      Verbal communication.

2)      Non-verbal /interpersonal communication.

3)      Written communication.

4)      Visual communication.


Figure 3:type of communication (Toastmaster, 2021).

Why communication important to the business.

 Good Communication is Vital for the Organization to Operate efficiently.

2)      It’s providing Information and correct Direction.

3)      Increase motivation among the employees.

4)      Increase productivity.

5)      Satisfying all co-workers and transferring for all parties.

6)      Building trust and mutual understanding between two parties.

7)      Listening and providing feedback

8)      Helps to implement strategies.

9)      Helps to develop global competence.

10   Help in crisis management.



Literature view.

“Communication gap at the workplace is an issue and one that can have a negative impact on all areas of the business, from productivity and efficiency to staff morale and retention. The good news is that once you’ve identified the factors that are causing it, you are well on your way to solving it. If you find it hard to understand what the reasons are for the communication gap, you can always consult a professional in the field who will also help you come up with a strategy to solve the issue. We hope we’ve been helpful with this guide.” (Stefan, 2021).

“Inter employee communication is vital for productivity and also the morale of a business. Communication gaps between employees may eventually sabotage the growth of a company, so such a company issue should be addressed very carefully and seriously. The causes of employees not being able to communicate qualitatively or even at all might be” (Stefan, 2021).

“Employees who feel personally connected to the company’s mission tend to care more about other details, like whether the brand has a reputation as a great place to work, which in the long term can affect your ability to attract and retain the best talent (Cooks-Cambell, 2021).

Let’s take a look at some ways that building your communication skills cascades down through your organization — and directly impacts its bottom line. (Cooks-Cambell, 2021).

“When employees are directly involved in work products and initiatives, it helps to foster a sense of ownership in the company’s future (Cooks-Cambell, 2021).

When the communication is absent what are reflections.

1)      Low engagement.

2)      Low truest between employee and employer.

3)      Reduced productivity and efficiency.

4)      Frustration /reduced job satisfaction increasing turnover.

5)      Reduced customer loyalty/reduce goodwill of the organization.

6)      Slow Growth/unable to achieve the Goals.


Assuming good intention and sharing culture are both foundations for effective day-to-day communication at work They’re hard to build and maintain without opportunities for casual interaction.

You don’t need to spend a lot of time talking to people show the empathies give good care listen to their problems communicate better.


 How much important the communication and how we need to communicate in a proper way

If we are failing to communicate properly it’s a crate of unexpected reflections.

Every year communication tops the list of skills in demand by employers.

Communication is what makes our professional and personal relationship go smooth it’s how we care, catalyze change, and get things done.

How communication is transforming in a shorter time with different people.


Figure 4: communication(Azquotes).



Alvernia, 2018. Alvernia. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 November 2021].

Cooks-Cambell, A., 2021. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 november 2021].

kazutaka, 2019. [Online]
[Accessed november 2021].

Stefan, 2021. kitchen. co. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 November 2021].

Toastmaster, 2021. Toastmaster. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 November 2021].


  1. Good topic. Most of the conflicts or issues starts in a organisation because of communication gaps. We should be focused when we communicate with others, we bear much of the responsibility for whether or not the massage actually communicated as intended.

  2. best leader should have main skill is communication ,that skill will be bring up person career & company expectation what expecting level ,Thanks to share this

  3. One more important is Transparency, within the company is a key factor to bridge the communication gap at the workplace and to make employees feel respected.

  4. agreed as my experience Most of the leaders, mangers fail in their performance mainly due to poor communication also we can make good work environment and workers satisfaction from good communication , Thanks good article,

  5. Dear prabath thanks for your valuable comments

  6. Good blog and it is a huge topic to discuss and learn and practice. Communication will be the main fact of any organizations growth or collapse. All the good and all bad will depend on Communication. As of my point of view good and most proper communication channel is the direct communication . Thank you for good work.

  7. Very useful and timely topic. Communication is on of the key point to achieve the tasks and goals. A good communication build the good teamwork and it makes more productivity. Really a good article and Thanks for your sharing.

  8. Effective communication in work place really important. The literature reviews and analysis really good.

  9. Communication is one of the connectors for the effective working environment and which brings a clear understanding between all level's of staff and creats a better peaceful environment of working

  10. Communication can make things better and worst, and if we take and understand in positive manner it's make things better.

  11. Effective communication is important within the organization to carry out the organizational activities successfully. Managers have to focus on developing communication system for a better result.

  12. Dear guys thanks lot for your valuable comments.

  13. This is one of the major challenges facing companies today because the communication gap affects the company's performance and creates unnecessary problems and challenges. So it is inevitable that companies will have to focus on these issues.
    As I said above, you have briefly explained the importance and mentioned the four steps to improve it.


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