Monday, December 13, 2021

Power In Organization.



Figure 1:power ( (, 2021)


Organizational power means to influence others' behavior for getting results in your organization This means that the greater their dependency is on you the more power you will have to influence their actions.  Power is responsible for ensuring employee commitment and compliance in the organization. It aids in avoiding resistance among employees.

Power is the capacity to impress the dominance of one’s goals or values on others.’ (Armstrong, 2001)

“Organizational power is the ability that you have to influence the behavior of another stakeholder in your organization. Your power is measured by the extent that you can use your influence to get that stakeholder to do something that he or she would otherwise prefer not to do” (Tanner, 2021)

Power is the ability of one person or department, in an organization to influence other people to bring about desired outcomes.

Organizational power and use them appropriately to maintain your organizational standing. Use coercive, reward, and legitimate power wisely. As you use these powers always make sure that your actions account for your organizational culture with its standards of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Strengthen your organizational credibility by properly leveraging expert, referent, and informational power as appropriate. (Tanner, 2021).

Power made legitimate by position or expertise” (Weightman, 2004).

Figure 2:power of the organization ( (Gholipour, 2006)

Type of power.

1 Legitimate power (Based on position or formal authority). 

2 Reward power (Promising or granting rewards).

3 Coercive power (Threats or actual punishment).

4 Expert power (sharing of knowledge or information).

5 Referent power (power of one personality Charisma).

Figure 3:the consequence of power ( (Gholipour, 2006).

Legitimate power.

·         The power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of the organization

·         In the workplace, this could be different with their position manager vs a regular employee

·         Associated with having the status of formal job authority.

·         Legitimate Power is one of the 5 Types of Power identified by psychologists John R. P. French and Bertram Raven in 1959.(, 2018)


                                 Figure 4:legitimate power (, 2018)

Reward power.

·        The power to give or withhold rewards

(Salary increase bonus, promotion, recommendation.)

Figure 5:Reward power ( (, 2015)


Coercive power.

·         Coercive power is a formal power source where influencing agents use the threat of force to gain compliance from the target of influence.

·         Punish subordinates for not meeting performance expectations

Figure 6; coercive power (, 2020).

Referent power.

·           Referent power refers to the ability of a leader to influence a follower because of the follower’s legality, respect, friendship, admiration, affection, or desire to gain approval.

·         Referent power is also the power of respect.

·         Referent power often takes time to develop

·         The stronger the relationship, the more influence leaders and followers exert over each other.


              Figure 7:Referent power (Vietnam, 2019)

Expert power.

·         Based on person’s own experiences. Skill and knowledge

·         It’s based on the fallower’s perceptions of the leader’s competence

·         This is given to the person who is perceived to be a subject matter expert by others

·         However, having knowledge and information is not power is earned by sharing that knowledge and information.

Figure 8:expert power (, 2015)


Power is the ability to influence people and events. Managers need to use power effectively closely related to power is politics relates to the way people gain and use power in the organization. The power is intrinsic to the person who has it. It’s based upon a person’s personal qualities and traits, such as honesty, courage, heroism, or the ability to inspire. Without power there is no organization without power there is no order.

 power is a potentially sinister subject Power says Bierstadt (1950), stands behind every association and sustains its structure.

Organizational power.

References, 2020. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14 December 2021]., 2018. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14 December 2021].

Gholipour, 2006. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 Decemebr 2021]., 2015. [Online]
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[Accessed 14 December 2021]., 2021. [Online]
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[Accessed 14 December 2021].

Tanner, R., 2021. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 December 2021]., 2019. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14 December 2021].


Saturday, December 11, 2021

Organization Culture..


Organization culture.

         Figure 1:org culture( ( Aleksidze, 2020)


Organizational culture is the Totality of beliefs, customs, traditions, and values shared by the members of the organization.

Culture provides stability to an organization and gives employees a clear understanding of the way things is done around an organization. Culture is the soul of the organization.

Organizational culture is an invisible force made up of beliefs and behaviors that operate ‘beneath the surface’ and impact how individuals unite, respond and move forward (or backward!) behind a common purpose.

Business leaders are vital to the creation and communication of their workplace culture. However, the relationship between leadership and culture is not one-sided. While leaders are the principal architects of culture, an established culture influences what kind of leadership is possible (Schein, 2010)” (Rothanculture, 2007)

“HR does have an important role of play in organizational culture, as it is the people who work for the organization, who embrace and develop a particular culture within the organization, any desired change to the culture of the organization has be made through the people and by the people. HR does have an important role of play in organizational culture, as it is the people who work for the organization, who embrace and develop a particular culture within the organization, any desired change to the culture of the organization has be made through the people and by the people” (M &E Studies. d. Retrieved 2020) ( Aleksidze, 2020)

Four Types of Organization culture.

1.     Clean culture

2.     Adhocracy culture

3.     Market culture

4.     Hierarchy culture.


Figure 2:culture (, 1990)

1. Clean culture. (we’re all in this together.)

A clean culture two-way communication employee feels like-family value everyone’s ideas and respects each other’s team-oriented with a horizontal structure it’s no surprise that clean culture emphasis on collaboration and communication. The team knows that company is open to feedback. Further step company takes their thoughts into account and put them to action here mostly employees’ engagement is high.  

2. Adhocracy culture. (Risk it to get the biscuit.)

Adhocracy cultures are rooted in innovation and taking risks they will look to develop the next big thing before anyone else has even started in the market. Adhocracy culture encourages, employees, to think creatively and bring their ideas to the table this culture contributes to high-profit margins and notoriety for employees to stay motivated with the goal of breaking the mold. and with a focus on creativity and new ideas, professional development opportunities are easy to justify. Adhocracy, culture can also foster competition between employees as the pressure comes up with new ideas mounts.

3. Market culture. (we‘re in it to win it.)

Market culture it’s mostly focused on competition and growth base. The slogan we’re in it to win it. This culture prioritizes profitability. Everything is evaluated with the bottom line in mind. Each position has an objective that aligns with the company's larger goal. The market culture is to be the best in it industries because of that. These are often larger companies that are already leaders of the pack they’re looking to compete and beat out anyone else that May compare

4. Hierarchy culture. (Get it done right.)

Hierarchy culture focus on structure and stability companies with hierarchy culture adhere to the traditional corporate structure. it’s focused on the internal organization by way of a clear chain of command and multiple management tiers that separate employees to follow. Hierarchy cultures have a set way of doing things, which makes them stable and risk-averse. it’s having a clear direction There is a well-defined process that caters to the company’s main objectives. The company takes precedence over the individual, which doesn’t necessarily encourage employee feedback.


Building workplace culture changes the mindset and bridges the differences caused by a diverse and digitalized workforce it helps companies.  Organizational culture often called company culture it’s the DNA of the defined as the shared values, attitudes, and practices that characterize an organization. It’s the personality of your company and it plays a large part in your employee’s overall satisfaction.

Creating winning organization culture takes a lot of time and efforts your culture must accurately reflect your values and align with your overall mission it’s a big to-do but get discouraged your efforts will pay off in the long run.” (Heinz, 2021)



Organization culture.



References, 1990. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 Dec 2021].

N., 2020. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 December 2021].

Heinz, K., 2021. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 dec 2021].

rothanculture, 2007. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 December 2021].

Friday, December 10, 2021

Performance Management..


Figure 1 performance :( (kompasiana, n.d.).


Performance management is an important aspect in HR it’s continuous and systematic approaches ensure to achieve organizational business targets and strategies’ by streamlining the employee’s performance. a management process for ensuring employees focus their work efforts in ways that contribute to achieving the missions.

·    performance management is a tool that is widely used by managers to monitor and evaluate the work performance of employees.

·    The tools which start working from Job designing followed with coaching, training, and development and connect performance with reward and recognition and ultimately result to achieve the organization goals and objectives

·   To understand the components of performance management. Namely planning for, supporting, and assessing performance, and how these components are related.

The continuous process of improving performance by setting individual teams and goals which are aligned to the strategic goals of the organization, planning performance to achieve the goals, reviewing progress, and developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the people.” (Armstrong, 2017 p.391).

A systematic process for improving individual, team and organizational performance(Armstrong, 2014 p.331).

“Armstrong argues for Employee involvement in the process on the basis that ‘people are more likely to respond positively and are more likely to work to improve their performance and develop their capabilities if they share in the processes of defining expectations [and] are involved in creating and developing their skills and competencies” (Armstrong, 2017. p.396).

      Performance management tools.

1.     Flexible work OS with performance management capabilities.

2.     friendly continuous performance reviews.

3.     Performance management software.

4.     Continuous performance management with people analytics.

5.     Employee Growth

6.     integrated continuous performance management.

7.     performance appraisal goals and feedback culture.

8.     performance management for enterprises.

9.     personally-tailored development plans.

10. Advanced metrics such as (objective and key results.


Figure 2;performance ( (toniglassconsulting, n.d.).

1.        Setting and Defining Goals to Fulfill Organizational Objectives.

2.      Developing a Performance Culture.

3.      Encouraging Employee Empowerment.

4.      Promoting Improved Communication Between Teams.



  Setting goals.

meetings the managers discuss with the employee about the upcoming challenges and work responsibility. New goals and objectives are set for the employees for the next financial year. The standard performance expected for the employee is also conveyed in the performance feedback meeting.

Developing performance culture.

 The attitudes and behaviors of the employee are also addressed during performance management. Through performance feedback, the managers put forward the favorable behavior expected from the employee to make a teamwork success. The upbeat attitude of the employees keeps the organization thriving and inspired.

Encouraging employee.

 Employee engagement is the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace.

Promoting Improved communicating and build-up the team spirit.

Teams in good spirits are confident in their jobs and can tackle difficult situations without any hassle. The reason behind this is that team members support each other and are open to making mistakes. They learn from their mistakes and try to improve each other.

Figure 3 pdca ( (leanmap, n.d.)


In all the performance appraisal and the performance management system should help an employee in achieving the results efficiently and effectively thereby also fulfilling the organizational goals. Constant learning and improving based on the performance appraisal allow for more effective decision making followed by leading and influencing larger teams to achieve their goals. Standard Performance gives Training and Development is about imparting knowledge to improve the skills and abilities of the employees to meet the current or future competency need.






kompasiana, n.d. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 dec 2021].

leanmap, n.d. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 dec 2021].

toniglassconsulting, n.d. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 dec 2021].

 Armstrong, M and Taylor, S. (2017) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London: Kogan Page


Wednesday, December 8, 2021



Inspire is a magic Tool in your organization.

Figure 1:inspire( (twitter, 2019)


Inspiration is always more active than engage it’s a powerful tool. it’s drive your team and achieving your company goals as well as the strategic plans. How you are encouraging your employee to engage with their work. Engaged employees can inspire with the company missions and by leaders. Inspired employees are most productive.

Inspiration is power full but it’s not easy inspirational leader does not just tell employee they are deeply committed to their customer experience. The Leader must demonstrate this commitment and passion on every meeting. leaders behavior must be inspire the employee to act in same way.

What leader do for inspire.

 An inspirational leader gives people what they want within their capabilities. For example, you can’t provide a if the company is not reaching profit goals. But you must share the rewards if the organization is doing well

The inspirational leader also understands that, while money is a motivator, so are praise, recognition, rewards, saying Thank you , and noticing an individual’s contribution to a successful endeavor. Speaking directly to a contributing employee about the value their work provides for the organization is a key source of inspiration for the recipient. The actions you take every day at work are powerful.


Figure 2;inspired ( (Cawley, 2016)

The inspirational leader listens to the people in their organization. Talking to people about your passion is not enough. To share meaning—a favorite and meaningful definition of communication—you must allow the ideas and thoughts of your staff to help form the vision and mission, or minimally, the goals and action plan.

"Vision and passion are important, but your employees must trust you if you want them to feel inspired. They must believe in your integrity and see it played out in your decision-making and treatment of customers and employees"(Heathfield, 2020).

“The power of a company with leaders who inspire at every level up and down the organization is hard to overstate. These are the companies that consistently pull off innovative or heroic feats in business because so many of the people who work there are motivated to make them happen. Companies spend billions of dollars on leadership training to reinforce and enhance the soft skills that inspire, motivate and create engagement, but most have found that it is deceptively hard to do these things” (Horwitch & Callahan, 2016).

What inspiration bring to your company.


Figure 3; inspired results (tech., 2016)

“I know what you're thinking. This all seems fairly obvious. If employees are inspired by their work, they get more done – it doesn't take a Harvard graduate to see that. However, articles, studies and surveys like this will keep being written because those in charge rarely take notice. While the writing is on the wall, employers' primary concern is the bottom-line. And while inspiration is nearly impossible to monetize (as evidence from Chris Farley's famous SNL character, inspirational speaker Matt Foley, living in a van down by the river), successful CEOs, founders and hiring teams recognize that the bottom-line is how you survive; inspiration is how you thrive” (Cawley, 2016)


As the study data proof inspired bring batter team sprit in the organization as well as it’ bring better results. When you build your business by inspiring those around you, something wonderful happen you create culture that people want to be a part of as you read through the points listed above it paints a picture  of what winning really looks like.

If you want to inspire your team to reach the goals of the business include them in the process. Help them to see what the company is working towards. And how important their role is to reach that goal encourage them to explore Their. Personal strength and what they have to offer allow them to think creatively and propose ideas. Inspire them so you all will win.

motivation and inspiration.



cawley, C., 2016. [Online]
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Horwitch, M. & Callahan, M. W., 2016. [Online]
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tech., 2016. [Online]
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twitter, 2019. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 7 dec 2021].

 SUSAN M. HEATHFIELD, S. M., 2020. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 7 dec 2021].


Power In Organization.

    Figure 1:power (  (, 2021 ) Abstract Organizational power means to influence others' behavior for getting result...