Friday, December 10, 2021

Performance Management..


Figure 1 performance :( (kompasiana, n.d.).


Performance management is an important aspect in HR it’s continuous and systematic approaches ensure to achieve organizational business targets and strategies’ by streamlining the employee’s performance. a management process for ensuring employees focus their work efforts in ways that contribute to achieving the missions.

·    performance management is a tool that is widely used by managers to monitor and evaluate the work performance of employees.

·    The tools which start working from Job designing followed with coaching, training, and development and connect performance with reward and recognition and ultimately result to achieve the organization goals and objectives

·   To understand the components of performance management. Namely planning for, supporting, and assessing performance, and how these components are related.

The continuous process of improving performance by setting individual teams and goals which are aligned to the strategic goals of the organization, planning performance to achieve the goals, reviewing progress, and developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the people.” (Armstrong, 2017 p.391).

A systematic process for improving individual, team and organizational performance(Armstrong, 2014 p.331).

“Armstrong argues for Employee involvement in the process on the basis that ‘people are more likely to respond positively and are more likely to work to improve their performance and develop their capabilities if they share in the processes of defining expectations [and] are involved in creating and developing their skills and competencies” (Armstrong, 2017. p.396).

      Performance management tools.

1.     Flexible work OS with performance management capabilities.

2.     friendly continuous performance reviews.

3.     Performance management software.

4.     Continuous performance management with people analytics.

5.     Employee Growth

6.     integrated continuous performance management.

7.     performance appraisal goals and feedback culture.

8.     performance management for enterprises.

9.     personally-tailored development plans.

10. Advanced metrics such as (objective and key results.


Figure 2;performance ( (toniglassconsulting, n.d.).

1.        Setting and Defining Goals to Fulfill Organizational Objectives.

2.      Developing a Performance Culture.

3.      Encouraging Employee Empowerment.

4.      Promoting Improved Communication Between Teams.



  Setting goals.

meetings the managers discuss with the employee about the upcoming challenges and work responsibility. New goals and objectives are set for the employees for the next financial year. The standard performance expected for the employee is also conveyed in the performance feedback meeting.

Developing performance culture.

 The attitudes and behaviors of the employee are also addressed during performance management. Through performance feedback, the managers put forward the favorable behavior expected from the employee to make a teamwork success. The upbeat attitude of the employees keeps the organization thriving and inspired.

Encouraging employee.

 Employee engagement is the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace.

Promoting Improved communicating and build-up the team spirit.

Teams in good spirits are confident in their jobs and can tackle difficult situations without any hassle. The reason behind this is that team members support each other and are open to making mistakes. They learn from their mistakes and try to improve each other.

Figure 3 pdca ( (leanmap, n.d.)


In all the performance appraisal and the performance management system should help an employee in achieving the results efficiently and effectively thereby also fulfilling the organizational goals. Constant learning and improving based on the performance appraisal allow for more effective decision making followed by leading and influencing larger teams to achieve their goals. Standard Performance gives Training and Development is about imparting knowledge to improve the skills and abilities of the employees to meet the current or future competency need.






kompasiana, n.d. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 dec 2021].

leanmap, n.d. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 dec 2021].

toniglassconsulting, n.d. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 dec 2021].

 Armstrong, M and Taylor, S. (2017) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London: Kogan Page



  1. Performance management is essential to identify the level of employees productivity and to evaluate whether the organization has achieved its goals. The blog gives a fundamental idea on performance management, tools used to identify the performance of the employees and the organizations.

  2. Performance Management is important to identify the Company and the employees Goal, well explained.


  3. The process of ensuring that a collection of actions and outputs matches the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner is known as performance management. Performance management can concentrate on an organization's, a department's, or an employee's performance, as well as the systems in place to manage certain duties.

  4. Managing performance of employees of a skill which requires at a highest level. Identification of each one's interests, their skills, efficiency and commitment immensely help the management to put right people to right positions which would certainly contribute to achieve desired Goal

  5. Performance is defined as behavior that accomplishes results. As noted by Brumbach (1988: 387):

    As Brumbach has described, performance refers to both behaviors and results. Performance management is an enterprise management tool that allows managers to monitor and evaluate employees' work. So you have summed up the lesson well from introduction, tool building, goal setting, culture building and meeting the goal.


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    Figure 1:power (  (, 2021 ) Abstract Organizational power means to influence others' behavior for getting result...